From One Breath


Throughout the Ages Mankind has been Linked by Breath

As the air circulates throughout the globe, we most assuredly have inhaled the atoms that have passed through the lungs of all who have once lived on earth. The energy of our most beloved heroes along with our most despised evildoers are still floating around in the air.

Breath is the Tether that Binds to Earth

Throughout the ages even the most unthinking person at some point has asked why? By most accounts it was a much crueler world 2000 years ago. But yet, there was also the grandeur and the beauty that drew souls to God as the bee to its nectar. They desired freedom from a life of mysery and inequity. But where was the key to unlock this mystery?

The Modern Trend is to Concentrate on Food as the Primary Life Source

It appears that since the air we breathe is free that it is taken for granted. Of course, there have been great strides taken to ensure that we as a nation have clean air at our disposal, but these seem mainly aimed at health issues rather than as a sustenance of life. The human body can exist many days without food but only a few minutes at best without air, nor even a scant second without the protogenitor spark of God's holy vibration.

Control your Breathe and Control your World

Yes, a lofty statement from a peon such as myself, but even in my own limited existance I know it to be true.

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Dedicated to the Pursuit of Truth by Reflecting on the Presence of Breath as a source of Wisdom, Guidance, and Intelligence.