From One Breath


The Calculus of Breath

Calculus of Breath

Calculus of Breath- taking an idea to the limit. Sometimes a good way to solve a problem is by taking it to the extreme. It's not possible to get there in reality, but it's what could happen. There are two extremes possible with breathing. (1) Breathing rate could accelerate to a physiological rate of an infinite number of breaths per second. This wouldn't do anyone any good and would imply death by exertion. (2) The second possibly is the other extreme, where breathing decelerates and eventually comes to a complete stop.

Let's consider the second extreme where the breathing rate approaches zero. Theoretically, as the breath slows down we become calmer and calmer. A normal person during sleep will have a relaxed breathing rate unless interrupted by dreams. A serene, relaxed state is normally associated with a sense of well being and even mindedness.  Using this algorithm, as the breathing rate approaches zero, a person would eventually attain a state of endless peace and tranquility. If we took the limit all the way to zero, then a death-like state would be induced, where breath ceases to exist.

lim t → 0 breath(t) = infinity ∞

What if we could consciously reduce our breath rate?  We could witness the withdrawal of all information from our sensors. We would be free from all distractions with unmitigated concentration beyond the senses. Outwardly it seems like an impossible task, but is it? There are numerous stories of Hindu mystics and swamis who suspend breath and enter a superconscious state. However, for most of humanity, these are merely idle stories of curiosity. Earnest seekers are not satisfied with merely reading about such exploits, we demand our own experience.

By using my little calculus fantasy it seems that the limits of breath can be exploited. The vast cradle of humanity live safely tucked away on the integral between the two extremes. Let's think beyond the realm of normal operations. If we can use our logic to prove little things, why not expand to greater things? Big things will come if we don't limit ourselves. As the limit of our breathing rate approaches zero, let's have the limit of our consciousness approach infinity.

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Dedicated to the Pursuit of Truth by Reflecting on the Presence of Breath as a source of Wisdom, Guidance, and Intelligence.